Cardinia Casey ACCT Screening Tool

Cardinia Casey ACCT Screening Tool lines 2015.pdf

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Date Last Revised September 3, 2019
Name Cardinia Casey ACCT Screening Tool lines 2015
Organisation Monash Health
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Open to contact 1
Contact Person Michael Jaurigue
Position Title Physiotherapist
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Brief explanation Cardinia Casey ACCT Screening Tool
How is this document used As a bit of background, this came about following our HACC accreditation, where one of our targeted improvements was to have more patient-centred Care Plans, including having ‘goals’ in ‘patient’s own words’.
Date last revised 29/05/2015
Diseases N/A
Filename Cardinia Casey ACCT Screening Tool lines 2015.pdf
Filesize 622.74 kB
Filetype pdf (Mime Type: application/pdf)
Created On 05/29/2015 11:46
Hits 2060 Hits
Last updated on 05/29/2015 11:49