Victorian GP Liaison

Victorian GP Liaison services aim to promote an integrated, person-centred health care system providing quality care and better health outcomes for Victorians. 

GP Liaison functions include:

  • Assisting GPs in accessing appropriate services for their patients, and providing a point of contact for GPs in the community;
  • Facilitating continuity and integration of care by improving hospital-primary care communication, including emergency, inpatient and discharge summaries, and outpatient correspondence;
  • Improving access to services and managing hospital demand, including development of referral guidelines and Health Pathways;
  • Providing advocacy for primary care within health services;
  • Supporting opportunities for GP education;
  • Participating in development and implementation of shared care programs;
  • Supporting the design and implementation of eHealth initiatives including eReferral and telehealth.

GP Liaison services in Victoria:

Alfred Health Austin Health Ballarat Health Services
Barwon Health Bendigo Health Eastern Health
Melbourne Health Mercy Hospital Victoria Monash Health
Northern Health Peninsula Health Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre
Royal Children’s Hospital Royal Victorian Eye and Ear Hospital Royal Women’s Hospital
St Vincent’s Western Health

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