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Key for the above categories:

Service Summary is a summary of a social prescribing service with a community connector, link worker, wellbeing coordinator
Participant Story is a story or case study from a participant/s in a social prescribing service
Other includes activities, sign posting and other related services such as groups, clubhouses, community houses

MAP: A map of social prescribing services can be found by clicking here. This map notes social prescribing services with community connector

Services and Case Studies

Found 24 Results
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Other | Green Scripts Bigger Hearts Dementia Alliance Ballarat

The “Green Scripts” dementia-friendly community project is a social prescribing project aiming to link people impacted by dementia with the established and emerging dementia-inclusive community activities in Ballarat.

Social prescribing has been shown to reduce health inequities associated with isolation, self-esteem and social connectedness, and to improve personal well-being. The centrepiece for the practical application of “Green Scripts” is the Dementia Sensory and Forest T

nature, health, dementia, inclusive communities, social prescribing, primary care

Other | WASEMA Friendship Cafe

Women’s Association of South East Melbourne Australia (WASEMA) aspire to provide a safe, welcoming environment for isolated women in South East Melbourne to come together, relax, connect with others, make new friends and contacts, share experiences, learn new skills, find pathways for training, employment and entrepreneurship, access necessary services, and receive support and referrals.

WASEMA began as an informal network at the end of December 2015, where twenty women’s groups ca


Service Summary | Campaspe Regional Library Service Social Prescribing Service

Our Outreach services aim to reduce barriers to participation by ensuring community members have access to resources, opportunities and capabilities to engage, contribute, use local services and connect with their/our communities.

Referrals are received from all health service partners including Complex Care, Social Workers, Advanced Care, Hospital to Home, Transitional Care, and community health workers. Families and community members are also able to refer family members, friends and

Service Summary

Service Summary | Access to Community Social Prescribing Service

Access Health and Community Volunteer Community Connectors (VCC) program aims to assist socially isolated people to identify and access suitable community activities.

Community linkages are based upon a person’s interests. VCCs can help to identify activities, make enquiries and warm introductions according to client preferences and need. VCCs can also assist with travel planning and accompany people to their first session if necessary (transport is not provided). Volunteer inter

Service Summary
social prescription, connection, social inclusion, loneliness, ending loneliness, community connector, community connection, council

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