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Service Summary | Campaspe Regional Library Service Social Prescribing Service


Service Status:


Brief Summary:

Our Outreach services aim to reduce barriers to participation by ensuring community members have access to resources, opportunities and capabilities to engage, contribute, use local services and connect with their/our communities.

Referrals are received from all health service partners including Complex Care, Social Workers, Advanced Care, Hospital to Home, Transitional Care, and community health workers. Families and community members are also able to refer family members, friends and neighbours.

Our Outreach services reach out to and engage those in need of support at locations such as Aged Care facilities, hospitals, and individual homes.

The Community Outreach Coordinator is responsible for following up referrals and making contact with persons who would benefit from our programs. The aim is to reconnect the person with their community, but this isn’t always possible or practicable, so other support options are available including (but not limited to):
• Books on wheels – home delivery of library materials
• Words on wheels – interactive storytelling and reminiscing
• Assistive resources – in the form of magnifiers, book supports, textile games, audiobook players and reading devices, for short term loan
• Wellbeing sessions – variety of programs and activities which support social, mental and emotional wellbeing for example OSMO iPad games, Memory Box, Conversation Hat, Handheld Puzzles, History or Mystery
• Group visits – the group comes to the Library or we go to the group, and sessions include morning/afternoon tea and include information session, guest speaker, storytelling, or the above wellbeing session.

The Campaspe Regional Library is part of the ‘Be Connected’ program, coordinated by our Library Technical Services Officer. The service offers a variety of learning opportunities and
computer classes to develop skills in a relaxed and low pressure environment, helping with computing for beginners, using the internet, email, tablets & smart phones, staying safe
online, using Facebook and much more.

Also links participants into other local services and supports as per individual needs.

The social prescribing library has developed a toolkit and podcasts

Link to report and podcast on Public Library Victoria website:

Link to podcast show:

Episode 1 –

Episode 2 –


Who is this for?

Isolated and secluded members of the communities of Campaspe (Vic) and Murray (NSW) Shires. There is an eligibility criteria however everyone is contacted and spoken with, as at times the coordinator can refer onto other service providers and support agencies if unable to help. The Community Outreach Coordinator is responsible for following up referrals and making contact with persons who would benefit from our programs.

Reference Link: