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Participant Story | Campaspe Library Social Prescribing
Campaspe Regional Library Social Prescribing Service share a participant story.
Participant Story
participant story; social prescribing; council; library; community connector
Video| City of Casey’s Link Worker program
The City of Casey’s Link Worker program has recently developed videos to build awareness and showcase benefits of the program.
The Link Worker Program plays a vital role in fostering community wellbeing by providing information and pathways between residents and community health services.
The promotional videos assist to demonstrate how the program can help residents and community health services obtain information, navigate complex systems, and connect residents to important
Communication and Promotion Material
link worker; community connector; council; promotion; awareness; video
Report | Co -Designing Social Prescribing for the Barossa
In 2023, Barossa Council partnered with Flinders University to co-design a model of social prescribing for the Barossa region. This project is Stage 1 of the Barossa Social Prescribing co-design journey, involving co-design workshops with key stakeholders from health, social care, and the community to design a social prescribing model of care.
Includes aim, methodology, key outcomes and recommendations.
Co -Designing Social Prescribing for the Barossa. Candice Oster, Ashleigh Po
co-design; social prescribing; outcomes; community connectors; co-design workshop
Social Connection Platform | Incl connect with Volunteers | Dossy
Dossy: A Solution for Social Prescribing
Dossy’s mission is to enrich lives and combat loneliness by seamlessly connecting older individuals with their loved ones, caregivers, and a network of virtual volunteers. Dossy is an intuitive video-calling app which offers effortless installation, one-tap connectivity, and real-time availability indicators, making meaningful communication a breeze.
Key Features:
– Inclusive Design: An easy-to-use interface that is acces
Other (Tools And Resources)
social connection, social prescribing, community volunteers, family connect, community connect, Dossy
Video | IPC Health | Partnering to relieve strain on hospitals through social prescribing and prevention
The video shares the experience of collaborating with sector partners and consumers to implement social prescribing, and how collaboration puts power back in the hands of the consumer to improve their quality of life through prevention.
See below for video you tube link. And visit IPC Health at
This video is part of a presentation by IPC Health CEO Jayne Nelson for
Communication and Promotion Material
social prescribing; well-being; community health
National framework for social prescribing. A description of social prescribing in Wales and a plan of how to provide it throughout the country.
This document sets out the Welsh Government’s programme for government commitment for an NFfSP. It has been developed following a period of engagement with over a 1,000 stakeholders and responds to consultation exercise which explored a number of key themes. Includes sections on social prescribing in Wales, clarity around the model of social prescribing in Wales and the national framework.
Framework; social prescribing; social prescribing model
Information Flyer | What is Social Prescribing?
This flyer provides information on social prescribing as it relates to the Loddon Mallee region of Victoria. Developed by Bendigo Health Loddon Mallee Public Health Unit, it includes what social prescribing is; benefits; what is happening in the region; Victorian Department of Health’s Mental Health and Wellbeing Locals and steps to establish a sustainable social prescribing program.
Communication and Promotion Material
social prescribing; information sheet
Report | Living Our Best Life Project Report: Trialling Social Prescribing in the City of Knox. The Community Houses Association of the Outer-eastern Suburbs (CHAOS).
Fitzgerald, L (2020). Living Our Best Life Project Report: Trialling Social Prescribing in the City of Knox. The Community Houses Association of the Outer-eastern Suburbs (CHAOS).
The Living our best life project was funded as an Ageing Innovation Challenge 2019. It sought to trial a model of social prescribing inspired by the work of Mendip Health Connections and the Bromley by Bow Centre in the United Kingdom.
Social prescribing is the practice where health professionals provid
Program/Service Evaluation Results
social prescribing service; community connector; evaluation report
Report | Evaluation of the Improving Social Connectedness of Older Australians project pilot: Informing future policy considerations. Centre for Health Service Development, Australian Health Services Research Institute, University of Wollongong
Thompson C, Morris D and Bird S (2022) Evaluation of the Improving Social Connectedness of Older Australians project pilot: Informing future policy considerations. Centre for Health Service Development, Australian Health Services Research Institute, University of Wollongong.
This report draws on findings and lessons learned through the Australian Government funded evaluation of the Improving Social Connectedness of Older Australians (ISCOA) pilot. It summarises what has worked in the
Program/Service Evaluation Results
Evaluation; Social Prescribing; Older Adults
Report | Living Our Best Life : An update on social prescribing in the City of Knox 2024
This report is a supplement to the first report on Living Our Best Life social prescribing program offered in City of Knox, Melbourne.
The report provides progress on the program including expansion across the outer eastern suburbs of Melbourne and replication in two rural/regional areas of Victoria.
Includes: Aims and model; Project update; 2022-2023 successes; referral sources; Activity and communications; Measurement and evaluation and Participant Stories.
The model incl
community connector; social prescribing; talking cafe; outcomes; report
Report | Living Our Best Life : An update on social prescribing in the City of Knox 2024
This report is a supplement to the first report on Living Our Best Life social prescribing program offered in City of Knox, Melbourne.
The report provides progress on the program including expansion across the outer eastern suburbs of Melbourne and replication in two rural/regional areas of Victoria.
Includes: Aims and model; Project update; 2022-2023 successes; referral sources; Activity and communications; Measurement and evaluation and Participant Stories.
The model incl
Program/Service Evaluation Results
community connector; social prescribing; talking cafe; outcomes; report
Journal Article (Australian)
Dingle GA, Sharman LS, Hayes S, Haslam C, Cruwys T, Jetten J, Haslam SA, McNamara N, Chua D, Baker JR and Johnson T (2024) A controlled evaluation of social prescribing on loneliness for adults in Queensland: 8-week outcomes. Front. Psychol. 15:1359855. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2024.1359855
Journal Articles (Australian)
loneliness, social prescribing, group programs, community, health
Podcast | Campaspe Library Social Prescribing
Campaspe Library Service VIC Social Prescribing Library Podcast series
This series of podcasts discusses the social prescribing library at Campaspe Library Service. It includes interviews with referrers such as Echuca Regional Health and an Aged Care facility as well as participants and how they have benefited. Explains how it works and what it does and features Nerida Dye, Campaspe Shire Community Outreach Worker.
Communication and Promotion Material
social prescribing; podcast; outcomes; referrers; community connector
Report | Social Prescribing: A Review of the Literature
Dingle GA, Sharman LS. (2022). Social Prescribing: A Review of the Literature. In: Menzies, R.G., Menzies, R.E., Dingle, G.A. (eds) Existential Concerns and Cognitive-Behavioral Procedures. Springer, Cham.
literature review; Loneliness interventions; Social prescribing; Group programs; Stigma
Journal Article (Australian)
Sonke J, Manhas N, Belden C, Morgan-Daniel J, Akram S, Marjani S, et al. Social prescribing outcomes: a mapping review of the evidence from 13 countries to identify key common outcomes. Front Med (Lausanne). 2023; 10:1266429. doi: 10.3389/fmed.2023.1266429.
Journal Articles (Australian)
social prescribing; arts prescribing; outcomes; social prescribing outcomes; mapping review
Journal Article (Australian)
Ostojic K, Paget S, Martin T EPIC-CP Group, et al. Codesigning a social prescribing pathway to address the social determinant of health concerns of children with cerebral palsy and their families in Australia: a protocol for a mixed-methods formative research study. BMJ Open 2023; 13: e066346. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2022-066346.
Journal Articles (Australian)
research methods; protocol; codesign; cerebral palsy
Journal Article (Australian)
Oster C, Skelton C, Leibbrandt R, Hines S, Bonevski B. Models of social prescribing to address non-medical needs in adults: a scoping review. BMC Health Serv Res 2023; 23:642.
Journal Articles (Australian)
scoping review; social prescribing models; Social prescribing; Community referral; Social determinants of health
Journal Article (Australian)
Jayasinghe S, Holloway TP, Soward R, Patterson KAE, Ahuja KDK, Dalton L, Murray S, Hughes R, Byrne NM, Hills AP. An Ounce of Prevention is Worth a Pound of Cure”: Proposal for a Social Prescribing Strategy for Obesity Prevention and Improvement in Health and Well-being. JMIR Res Protoc 2023; 12: e41280. doi: 10.2196/41280.
Journal Articles (Australian)
capacity building; determinants of health; health care management; obesity; patient education; prevention; screening; service delivery; social prescribing;
Journal Article (Australian)
Ivers R, Astell-Burt T. Nature Rx: Nature prescribing in general practice. Aust J Gen Pract 2023; 52(4): 183-7.
Journal Articles (Australian)
Nature prescribing; green space; blue space; well-being; link workers; chronic disease management plans; mental healthcare plans; National Disability Insurance Scheme plans
Journal Article (Australian)
Htun HL, Teshale AB, Cumpston MS, Demos L, Ryan J, Owen A, Freak-Poli R. Effectiveness of social prescribing for chronic disease prevention in adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials. J Epidemiol Community Health 2023; 77:265-276.
Journal Articles (Australian)
systematic literature review and meta-analysis; chronic disease risk factors; social prescribing exercise