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Publications and Reports

Found 52 Results
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Journal Article (Australian)

Htun HL, Teshale AB, Cumpston MS, Demos L, Ryan J, Owen A, Freak-Poli R. Effectiveness of social prescribing for chronic disease prevention in adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials. J Epidemiol Community Health 2023; 77:265-276.

Journal Articles (Australian)
systematic literature review and meta-analysis; chronic disease risk factors; social prescribing exercise

Journal Article (Australian)

Sharman LS, McNamara N, Hayes S, Dingle GA. Social prescribing link workers-A qualitative Australian perspective. Health Social Care Community 2022; 30(6): e6376-e6385.

Journal Articles (Australian)
Australian link workers' experiences; study; training and support recommendations

Journal Article (Australian)

Morse DF, Sandhu S, Mulligan K, Tierney S, Polley M, Chiva Giurca B, Slade S, et al. Global developments in social prescribing. BMJ Glob Health. 2022; 7(5):e008524. doi: 10.1136/bmjgh-2022-008524.

Journal Articles (Australian)
health education and promotion; health policy; health systems; public Health

Journal Article (Australian)

Irwin L, Rhodes P, Boydell K. Evaluation of a gallery-based Arts Engagement program for depression. Aust Psychologist 2022; 57(3): 186-196, DOI: 10.1080/00050067.2022.2061329.

Journal Articles (Australian)
Arts engagement; social prescription; depression; community psychology; recovery

Journal Article (Australian)

Fitzmaurice C. Social prescribing: A New Paradigm with Additional Benefits in rural Australia. Aust J Rural Health 2022; 30(2):298-9.

Journal Articles (Australian)
rural; regional; policy

Journal Article (Australian)

Dingle GA, Sharman LS, Hayes S, et al. A controlled evaluation of the effect of social prescribing programs on loneliness for adults in Queensland, Australia (protocol). BMC Public Health 2022; 22: 1384.

Journal Articles (Australian)
Loneliness; Social prescribing; Social identity; Group programs; Community

Journal Article (Australian)

Bild E, Pachana NA. Social prescribing: A narrative review of how community engagement can improve wellbeing in later life. Community Applied Social Psychology 2022; 32(6): 1148-215.

Journal Articles (Australian)
narrative systematic literature review; older adults; social connectedness; well-being; social prescribing models; link worker

Journal Article (Australian)

Anderst A, Hunter K, Andersen M, Walker N, Coombes J, Raman S, et al. Screening and social prescribing in healthcare and social services to address housing issues among children and families: a systematic review. BMJ Open 2022; 12: e054338. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-054338.

Journal Articles (Australian)
systematic review; social determinant of health; social screening tools;

Journal Article (Australian)

Wallace C, McCosker A, Farmer J, White C. Spanning Communication Boundaries to Address Health Inequalities: The Role of Community Connectors and Social Media. J Appl Comm Res 2021; DOI:10.1080/00909882.2021.1934513.

Journal Articles (Australian)
Healthcare services; social media; peer-to-peer; community connectors; engagement

Journal Article (Australian)

Siette J, Berry H, Jorgensen M, Brett L, Georgiou A, McClean T, Westbrook J. Social Participation Among Older Adults Receiving Community Care Services. J App Gerontol 2021; 40(9):997-1007.

Journal Articles (Australian)
Older Adults; Social participation; cluster analysis; chi-square analyses; geographical location

Journal Article (Australian)

Parcsi L. Impact of a local health and hospital service placing a Community Link Worker in a high need social housing area of inner Sydney, Australia. Int J Integrated Care 2021; 21(S1):56. DOI:

Journal Articles (Australian)
link worker; Lessons learned; vulnerable populations; social housing

Journal Article (Australian)

Aggar C, Thomas T, Gordon C, Bloomfield J, Baker J. Social Prescribing for Individuals Living with Mental Illness in an Australian Community Setting: A Pilot Study. Community Ment Health J 2021; 57:189-95.

Journal Articles (Australian)
Behavioural health; Case management; Community healthcare; pilot; mental health; evaluation; method

Journal Article (Australian)

Wallace C, Farmer J, White C, McCosker A. Collaboration with Community Connectors to Improve Primary Care Access for Hardly Reached People: A Case Comparison of Rural Ireland and Australia. BMC Health Serv Res 2020; 20:172.

Journal Articles (Australian)
Primary health care, Access to health care, Boundary spanning, Community connectors, Community health workers

Journal Article (Australian)

Thomas T, Baker J, Massey D, D’Appio D, Aggar C. Stepped-Wedge Cluster Randomised Trial of Social Prescribing of Forest Therapy for Quality of Life and Biopsychosocial Wellbeing in Community-Living Australian Adults with Mental Illness: Protocol. Int J Environ Res Public Health 2020; 17(23):9076.

Journal Articles (Australian)
mental disorders; loneliness; social isolation; quality of life; community services; social support; nature therapy; mindfulness

Journal Article (Australian)

Seed N, Osowicki J, Milenkovski S, Tayao D, Bond L, Thornton L, et al.. Social Prescribing in Practice: Implementation in the Australian Setting. Int J Integrated Care 2020; 20(S1): 58. DOI:

Journal Articles (Australian)
trial; link worker; primary care; community asset mapping; pilot; lessons learned

Journal Article (Australian)

Islam MM. Social Prescribing—An Effort to Apply a Common Knowledge: Impelling Forces and Challenges. Front Public Health 2020; 8:

Journal Articles (Australian)
social prescribing, non-medical care, referral to social services, social determinants of health, link worker, community referral

Journal Article (Australian)

Calleja EA, Buttery AK. Time for Social Prescribing to Heart Foundation Walking. Heart Lung Circ 2020; 31(6): P903. DOI:

Journal Articles (Australian)
Personal Walking Plans; National Heart Foundation; Physical Activity; Prevention;

Journal Article (Australian)

Aggar, C., Caruana, T., Thomas, T., & Baker, J. R. (2020). Social prescribing as an intervention for people with work-related injuries and psychosocial difficulties in Australia. Advances in Health and Behavior, 3(1), 101-111.

Journal Articles (Australian)
psychosocial support systems, occupational injuries, return to work, social participation, self-management

Journal Article (Australian)

Wallace C, Farmer J, McCosker A. Boundary spanning practices of community connectors for engaging ‘hardly reached’ people in health services, Social Sci Med 2019; 232:366-73.

Journal Articles (Australian)
Community connectors; boundary spanning; social prescribing roles

Report | Report on the 18-month evaluation of social prescribing in Queensland. Brisbane, QLD, Australia: University of Queensland.

Sharman LS, Hayes S, Chua D, Haslam C, Cruwys T, Jetten J, Haslam A, McNamara N, Baker JR, Johnson T, Dingle GA. (2023). Report on the 18-month evaluation of social prescribing in Queensland. Brisbane, QLD, Australia: University of Queensland.

This report provides a summary of the findings from an 18-month evaluation of social prescribing. The research was conducted across five sites in Queensland through the University of Queensland.

social prescribing evaluation; loneliness; wellbeing; physical health; longitudinal analysis; link worker

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