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Report | Living Our Best Life : An update on social prescribing in the City of Knox 2024

Published: 2024

Team Members:

Leanne FitzGerald

Institutional or Organizational affiliation:

Community Houses Association of the Outer Eastern Suburbs (CHAOS)


Report Complete. Service ongoing

Brief Summary:

This report is a supplement to the first report on Living Our Best Life social prescribing program offered in City of Knox, Melbourne.
The report provides progress on the program including expansion across the outer eastern suburbs of Melbourne and replication in two rural/regional areas of Victoria.
Includes: Aims and model; Project update; 2022-2023 successes; referral sources; Activity and communications; Measurement and evaluation and Participant Stories.

The model includes 3 core components: Community connecting (including social prescribing as a pathway); Weekly Talking Café groups and Signposting.

Who is this for?

This report is for all interested in social prescribing. The service is for older residents in the eastern suburbs of Melbourne

What is the aim?

The project aims to reduce the incidence of loneliness amongst older residents in the eastern suburbs of Melbourne through the use of social prescribing and intentional connecting.


see report via link below

Reference Link: